Subject: Learning Entrepreneurship Skills and AI for Kids/Teens

Presentation Language: Farsi

Lecturer: Hossein Shafieirad

CTO and Co-founder, DigiTeens Academy
Vice President, Iranian Association at the University of Toronto
Masters and PhD on AI & Machine Learning in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto
Former CTO, Apadana Robotics Group


Did you know:

  1. Canada’s ecosystem is ranked 3rd in the world? & Toronto is ranked 11 among world’s top startup cities? (Globe and Mail, Nov 02, 2018)
  2. Canada is ranked 3rd in AI? (iog, Dec 15, 2017)
  3. AI will do more than %50 of the work by 2025 in Canada? (CBC, Sep 17, 2018)
→ It is time, if not late already, for our children to learn essential entrepreneurship skills as well as getting acquainted with AI!

In this session, Hossein Shafieirad, the CTO and head of education at DigiTeens Academy, will discuss the importance of learning entrepreneurship skills and AI for kids/teens through presenting their unique and efficient proposed program “DigiTeens Brain” to address the mentioned point. “DigiTeens Brain” is the first of its kind in North America for students to get familiar with entrepreneurship skills and AI.
Hossein is a PhD student at the University of Toronto who is currently persuading a degree on AI and Machine Learning in Electrical & Computer Engineering.


Date: Monday –  May 13th, 2019

Time: 6.30 – 8.30 pm

Location: North York Centre, 5100 Yong St, North York, ON M2N 5V7  –  Room# 2